Monday, 29 September 2014

Map Development

Previous iterations of the map we felt were too rigid. We thought it would appeal to children more if it was more dynamic. The winding roads also make the map feel less like a real map, which would not appeal to children.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

narrator script for teaser trailer

sound effects: sfx
narrator: “...”
scene notes: ()

Scene 1:
sfx: villainous, dark, sneeky music starts.
“he came like a shadow among shadows”

“and before we anyone knew it..”
sfx: thunder
“it was too late”
(quick shot of villain on roof then he vanishes after the thunder bolt)

txt:Upper Hutt must face its most powerful villain

“all that was left behind was a note saying: Ne he he he Upper Hutt shall be mine and no one can stop me...”

“insincerely The Trethum Trickster

“but not all hope is lost”

sfx: happy jazzy or heroic music starts

“for we have you”

txt:Upper hutt library

“you may be young...and the Tricker may be strong and wicked”

“but every great heroic underdog tale starts on page 1”

(boy gets excited and attacks the hologram of the Trickster, goes through hologram and hits wall)
sfx: splat

“stopping the Trickster is not a task for the faint of heart”

“but we all believe you can save the city”

txt: Super Summer Reading Challenge,
Get your hero pack today 
starts 15 January 2014

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Revised Stickers!

Sticker concepts and packaging, designed to match the map created more.

Packaging and Concepts

Experimenting with packaging solutions which combine the ideas of a book bag and that of a 'top secret' mission file, and how these could work with stickers.

Here are some more poster we played around with on layout. The outline characters are just placements until we agree on refined characters. Also we will play around more with the new colour scheme after feedback of these concepts :)

Revised Logo

After everyone's feedback about the last logo, I tried to go back to the childlike, comic-style ideas behind our first and second logos but with the ability to use less colours, which would make our logo easily printable on tote bags (were we to use them as our activity pack bags) and other paraphernalia. 

Initial Comic Layouts

Part One, the library is robbed and the call goes out!

Part Two, our heroes begin their search!

The responsive web tool is now into the coding phase. At this stage, rather than building page by page, elements which can be used on multiple pages are being picked out and built, making sure they scale and act correctly.

Some of the initial designs for the website. The design was too cluttered so the technical looking elements were scaled back.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Finalised Colour Palette

Here is the final colour palette, created from comic book inspirations and also both groups' work pre-merger. The brown paper is to show how the colours can go with our packaging ideas for the activity pack, and we have also shown the colours on white. Please let us know what you think!

Poster concepts

For these poster we wanted to communicate the narrative in the program. We have a menacing villain in the background with the protagonists in heroic poses flying up from the centre. 

Some poster concept (development)

- A grid format inspired by comic books strips..
Although visual hierarchy is unclear. no central focal point as there are too much going on.

- More of a dynamic layout - playing with type layout

- More clear finalised mock up of layout by only adding the contents and visuals that are needed without overloading with varieties.

- Lydia

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Conceptual design ideas for poster

Colour Palette Concepts

Here are some resolved concepts for colour palette, created by combining colours from both groups' previous work and aesthetic inspirations.

Adshel Poster & Newspaper concept.

Here's a sample mockup of an Adshel Bus stop poster. We still need to sort out exact wording etc. I've done a different iteration of the logotype, we can talk about these later. – Walter

Here's a link to the Community Newspaper rate card. This could be useful information for the client to have in the dossier irrespective of wether they want to run any ads.

Hutt Community Newspaper - Quarter Page Horizontal Ad 100mm x 262 mm 

old and new story board

Old story board/ media example:
link below:

New story boards: