Monday 8 September 2014

hero quotes for dossier (Paul)

“Welcome to modern society, where superhero culture has become the metaphorical prism through which we see- and Live- our lives.” (Danny Fingeroth, Superman on the couch)

“LOOK! UP IN THE SKY! IT'S....YOU!!” (Danny Fingeroth, Superman on the couch)

“Peter's the classic underdog, and like many of us, he's learned to combat the evil in his life with abilities he didn't realize he had” (William Irwin, Jonathan J. Stanford Spider-man and philosophy, the web of inquiry)

Superheroes embody the most positive and inclusive aspects of culture. Around aspects that, amidst the exciting action, tender love stories, and tales of self- sacrifice, superheroes are role models for tolerance and moral decision making (Marco Arnando, The Myth of the superhero)

hero trailer quotes:

“What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society had intended?” (Man of steal trailer)

“What if a child inspired to be something greater?” (Man of steal trailer)

“You will give the people of earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stubble, they will fall, but in time they will join you in the sun. In time you will help them accomplish wonders” (Man of steal trailer)

“all heroes have their origins” (Guardians of the galaxy trailer)

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