Saturday 30 August 2014

Interactive Responsive Web Tool - Wireframes

After receiving feedback during interim presentation, we decided to create an interactive responsive web tool in stead of an application. These are some wire frames mocking up how the tool would look on various platforms:

Saturday 23 August 2014

Interim Preparation

Practising lots and preparing hard for interim presentation next week. We have decided to print a few of our purposed solutions to place inside a mock up activity pack with the dossier, and spend the weekend practicing hard!

Our printed solutions

Practice makes perfect

Thursday 21 August 2014

Activity Packaging

Mock-up tests of our purposed activity packs. The children can receive them upon sign up, and they'll be filled with stickers, bookmarks, map and other content we planned. Ideally we would like them widely distributed, however the cost to make each one individually is approximately 5-7 dollars, which may not be possible with the limitations of the budget. An alternative however, is to either use a cheaper material and packaging design (ie from card) or to purpose making the activity packs as the first program event, encouraging the kids to come down and on completion they attain the content (ie stickers, etc) inside.

User Scenarios

A few refined charts for the dossier and presentation explaining the sign up and rewards process proposals.

Flow Chart


The idea behind these is that kids will decorate their own bookmarks with the stickers provided. Fun!

More Sticker Sets!

- Set of gold star stickers, for kids who don't have the app to get given upon completing "missions".
- A patch to stick on their book bag or similar.
- Mini stickers to decorate their bookmark or diaries etc.

Patch Precedents + Idea

Scope visuals

Sticker Sheet

Logo + Characters


One of the most important aspects to consider with the ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ theme is the large demographic which it needs to appeal to – the programme is designed for children aged between 5 and 12 years. Our chosen theme of ‘Superheroes’ appeals to children of all ages through its wide scope. Younger children can relate it to what they enjoy – programmes such as the ‘Powerpuff Girls’, whereas older kids can make associations to comics and their role models, such as ‘The Avengers’. Another feature of the ‘Superheroes’ idea is its ability to make everyone feel included – traditionally, many Superheroes started out as outcasts, or people who were a bit different. We also have the ability here to promote the idea that, ‘anyone can be a hero’! By designing a challenge where the children themselves are reading to ‘save’ the library and Mayor Wayne Guppy from Upper Hutt, we are allowing even the smallest child to become a Superhero and help people. This is also extremely helpful in promoting a sense of community from a young age.


The apps primary intent is to provide a fun and interactive tool encouraging children to read, as well as provide ease of management for the Upper Hutt City Library staff. It simplifies the sign up process, informs parents about program information and provides a modern solution for this generation to enjoy.  

Budget and Resources

The library receive a direct budget of up to 5000 dollars for the Summer Reading Challenge program and celebration party. We agree that a good amount of this should be spent on attractions at the end celebration party. However, previously a large amount of the budget was also spent on big prizes creating incentive for the children to participate. We believe this focus should change. In order to gain more participants, advertising and encouragement plays a key role, therefore the budget distribution should reflect this and more should be spent on promotion ie printing advertisements, packaging and goods for the activity pack. The rest we believe would best be spent on just one big prize, a few spot prizes (for example pool vouchers, zoo vouchers, and other potential donation prizes).

Previously with the Summer Reading Challenge it seems multiple staff at the library have contributed to running the program, organizing events and making sure parents are aware of the procedure. Introducing an application will provide ease when managing these; however a key resource will be assigning one staff member to govern this. This involves them managing emails and perhaps being trained in basic application updating. 

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Lydia's Profile

(Sorry guys, for uploading my profile late..) 

Name: Lydia Ahn       
Major: Visual Comunication Design (Graphic Design)
Favourite Book: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Lydia is currently in third year at Massey, studying Graphic Design along with typography and experience design. She loved to visit the library as a child and was always interested to read. Lydia loves engagement with children and would love to help them as much as possible. She hopes to utilize her key skills to create a better and a super exciting experience for the children in the Summer Reading Challenge.

Finding the Mayor Map

To excite the children about the end of year celebration/ completion SRC party, we decided to create a Find the Mayor map that is given with the activity packs and is displayed on the app. As the challenge progresses, clues are given and potential locations crossed off the map. The last one left is where the big party is, and the Mayor will be attending.

App Wireframes

A couple of draft wireframes, to give a sense of how the UI will look for the app. 

Tablet - Homepage

Mobile - Profile Page

Potential logo idea and stickers!

Mascot Character Concepts

Some mascot concepts. Initial ideas, and then some more in keeping with the style established by Pippa.
