Tuesday 12 August 2014


Primary School Children
This program is aimed primarily and girls and boys aged 5-12 currently living and attending schools in the Upper Hutt region. The Summer Reading Challenge is intended to encourage all children, no matter their reading level to participate and improve their skills over the summer school break. It is vital that we consider the advertising and design code of ethics for children, as they are at a very developmental and impressionable stage of life. 

School Teachers
The library currently advertise the program through school teachers and principles, asking them to encourage their students to participate as it will help improve their skills. In primary schools teachers often act as guiders, and are expected to act as good role models towards the children. School teachers can be used as a valuable tool for advertising, through encouraging the children and their parents to sign up.

It is vital that the parents are included as part of the demographic of this program, as they need to grant permission for their children to join the summer reading challenge. The biggest downfall of the program in previous years has been the lack of parental involvement and forgetfulness of important dates and challenges. At such a young age childrens actions are often governed by their parents, making them an important part of the program.

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